GenerativeComponents Help

Expression Builder

Used to open Expression Builder.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Computational Design > Model > Functions > Expression Builder
  • Script Editor: Tools > Expression Builder
  • Script Editor toolbar: (Expression Builder tool) icon

Lists predefined functions, node types, their construct methods and data in respective tabs with brief a documentation on each type.
Functions tab List the standard library and script functions. The table lists each function and purpose the function is provided.
Node Types Lists the construct methods of each node type and their base types. Clicking the [+] expands the node [-], each lists the construction methods associated with the node type. Mouse hover on each method displays the syntax of construct and when clicked the status bar shows the detailed syntax.
Bentley tabs Several of lightweight geometry library data of types, such as DSeries elements and their constructor and methods, etc., are provided in respective tabs:

Bentley | Bentley.Data | Bentley.GC | Bentley.GC.NodeTypes | Bentley.geometry | Bentley.Geometry.Common

Lists and Files Lists tab provides the lists to pick and use for build expressions. The file path to include file transaction details is set in the Files tab.